How to attract customers using Augmented Reality Mobile Apps

Today mobile technology has taken the global business world by storm and every business from various industry verticals is on their toes to follow digital trends. Mobile apps completely changing the way we do business leveraging new technology trends.
Augmented Reality is one of the rapidly growing mobile app technology with unmatched excellence to transform any business with distinct requirements.AR technology makes digital content to look at it as a part of the physical world around you. AR technology in the app is the tried and true way to refresh your mobile applications and helps businesses to engage more audience and drive more sales for a business. In the Middle East, most of the leading Mobile App Development Company in Dubai have proved themselves to be the best in the AR technology.

How AR attracting more customers
AR technology makes mobile apps to the next level. Being one of the trending technology AR technology promises rise in businesses and helps to stand out from the crowd. Now, this technology is being used for marketing, gaming, education, architecture and many more.
· 3D Visualization
Compared to other technologies AR lets the real world stay as it is and allows the users to interact with the model and also digitally manipulate its parts. In this digital era online shopping is booming, AR overcomes the limitations of online shopping by giving real images of the product and good explanations.
· Content Personalization
Content personalization is the best advantage of AR technology. Personalization is the best way to increase user engagement, the virtual environment and responds to each user’s unique surroundings leading to create a more emotional connection with customers. Creating a personalized experience to customers will increase the revenue.
· Memorable viewing experience
One of the most favorite advantages to business from AR technology is a memorable immersive experience. Leading Mobile App Development Companies in Dubai using this technology to create amazing products and unforgettable user experience. As a priceless marketing campaign businesses are running to this technology for new opportunities.
· Enhanced navigation with AR
AR-enabled apps allow the users to search according to their individual needs like specific brand names, product or unique product codes. These applications with AR navigation helps customers to experience easier findability and increased discovery of applicable products.
This newest technology opening up a new way to drive more sales for the business. App development companies in Dubai help your business to bring the following benefits using AR.
  • Provides valuable information about the product to customers
  • Easy visualization with personalized text.
  • Unique user experiences.
  • Increase brand awareness
While creating an AR app you should keep in mind the following points, that will bring great success for your app.
· Purpose of the app
If you already decided to integrate AR in your the app you should have a clear idea about the purpose of the app with features like the ability to solve the problem, provide entertainment, value-added and simple.
· Perfect UI/UX design
A perfect UI/UX is the best way to impress your target customers. The following features guarantee an enjoyable experience for your clients.

· Easy Reading of the Content

· Practical User Interactions

· A Clear Vision

· Handy in Navigation

· Unique idea

An innovative and problem-solving idea will get a huge success.

· Real-time testing

Do the constant testing in the users’ perspective.
Mobile apps become the most significant media for the users to interact with the product as it is with the most convenience of tapping into their mobile apps. By keeping your app simple, retargeting users, and updating the app will reach the ultimate goal. Let’s have a look at some of the trending AR-enabled apps.
Pokémon Go
AR-enabled mobile game for both Android and iOS platforms published by Niantic, Nintendo.
Ikea Place
It offers a 3D virtual Furniture and place in your space and allows you to check is the furniture will fit your room.
A social media app with entertaining camera filters.
BBC Civilizations AR
Allows different historical artifacts, locating, rotating and resizing them as you see fit.
Allow tracing around any sketch that you have chosen.
Google Translate
It translates any text based on the photo of the text.
This is one of the rich technology many App Development Companies in Dubai are using for better user experience. If you have any AR app requirement hire one of the best digital transformation partners for the best output. 


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